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Women In Steel

“There aren’t enough women in the industry, potentially because they don’t think it’s glamourous. However, I do think there is a lot of possibility for creativity in the steel industry. If women can embrace that, it’s quite an exciting industry to be in,”

-Newly appointed first female SAISC chairperson Nicolette Skjoldhammer.

I came across this quote earlier today and thought it so fitting to repost with August being Women’s month. It is widely known that the steel industry is male dominated, which it always has been but it doesn’t have to continue to be. Speaking as a woman in the Steel industry it can be a daunting prospect to take on because of the overwhelming male dominance of it, but amid the current tough economic climate I think women can add fresh perspectives to the industry.

A more diverse industry is a stronger industry. Steel is an integral part of South African society and an important contributor to the economy as a whole which as a result provides for attractive career path options, a fact that women often overlook.

It is so important to strengthen the confidence of female newcomers to the industry so that outdated perspectives can be adjusted. For the steel industry to thrive, everyone has to step up and do their part, men and women alike, new ideas and ways of doing things need to be embraced, there are no small or lesser roles, there is a call for greater female visibility in the industry and a greater self confidence in whatever roles women are assigned to.

The vision of the SAISC is to have at least 50% female representation on its 14 member board. Women always say that it is men who keep us from succeeding, yet we are always told how strong and resilient we are but what are we actually doing to rise above our current status, are we harnessing that strength and resilience that is natural to us?

Let’s acknowledge and celebrate our capable, strong, driven and passionate women in steel and as women taking on the challenge of this industry, let’s change the perception that steel is a men’s only club.