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5 Reasons To Choose Steel For Construction

The use of steel in building construction is based on client related benefits including being able to provide column free floor space, efficient circulation space, speed of construction and minimum storage of materials on site which require prefabrication to achieve, which steel framed systems can provide.

The commercial sector demands structures that are rapid to construct, strong, flexible, and efficient in energy use.

Here are 5 reasons to choose steel and steel tubing to achieve these goals.

  1. Speed of construction:

All steel construction uses prefabricated components that lead to short construction periods which as a result provide earlier return on investment and vastly reduced interest charges. Time related savings can very easily amount to 5% of overall project value which vastly improves cash flow, as a result reduces the client’s need for working capital.

  1. Sustainability:

Many of the properties of using steel and steel tubing in construction have significant environmental benefits, the greatest of these is of course that the steel structure itself is 100% recyclable, repeatedly.

The speed of construction using steel results in reduced disruption of the site which gives local environmental benefits, and the flexibility and adaptability of steel structures maximise the economic life of the building.

  1. Safety:

With up to 70% labor reduction possible using a steel solution compared to alternatives, fewer people equal a much safer construction site. Steel decking and integrated edge protection facilitate safer working platforms.

  1. Reduced Weight:

A steel structure is intrinsically lighter than its concrete structure counterpart due to the higher strength and stiffness of steel. With lightness comes reduced load on foundations, hence smaller foundations, and an ability to perform better for some ground conditions.

  1. Architectural expression:

The versatility of steel gives architects the space and freedom to bring to life their most ambitious visions. With the combination of form and function, steel can span incredible distances and offer slenderness, sleekness, and refinement to create what can only be described as “steel artwork”.